Other End Of Planet, And Crappy Internet

May 7, 2013 by Dave Haynes



I am in South Africa, working with a terrific client and equally terrific set of business partners. So the combination of long flights, jet lag, wobbly connectivity and $8 wine that would cost me $25 back home have made posting a little difficult. Hic.

Now that my body seems to have come to grips with the time difference, and I can now actually get on the internet, I’ll try to get posts up.

First impression here – as much or more digital in retail as back in North America. No better or worse than what I see back home. It’s a bunch of fun to work with a client very eager to get digital working well in its store, and entirely willing to go through the steps that will lead to real objectives and, crazily enough, a proper, realistic strategy and plan.

photo credit: jespahjoy via photopin cc

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