Next Toronto mixer targeted for May 10th

March 30, 2011 by Dave Haynes

The Red Sox are in town playing the Jays a few blocks over, so traffic might be a little messy, but I think May 10th is still as good a date as any for the next Toronto digital signage and Digital OOH industry mixer.

It will run at the same place as we did it in early March – Shoeless Joe’s at King and Duncan in downtown Toronto. The opinion of the venue was all favorable. That mixer drew what was probably the largest crowd yet, and we hope to see those numbers this time around, as well.

Why May 10th?

It gives a little breathing room between CETW in late April in San Francisco (not going, too costly and also too freakin’ busy), and it also is a bit of a buffer from the Canadian federal election on May 2nd, which might have some people busy.

We don’t need a sponsor but it would be nice to have one or perhaps two who could step up and buy a round or some nibblies. Best Buy for Business hosted the last one and Tony White and crew were great sponsor/hosts. If interested in sponsoring, send me a note.

I put a call out for badge holders and lanyards and Chief has stepped up and set aside a box we can use and re-use to stuff in ID tags. That means we have something better than those sticky “Hello, My Name Is  …” things don’t stray stuck.

I will get the EventBrite thing going again and will fine-tune it so we have a way to spit out the identity badges, companies and industry sector, ie Research or Network Operator or Smart-Ass Blogger.


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