DSF Sets Next Mix And Mingle Networking Event For Feb. 27th In San Diego-Area

January 29, 2025 by Dave Haynes

Registration is now open for the next in a series of Digital Signage Federation Mix and Mingle events, which the DSF puts on in tandem with its ‘s regular, quarterly-ish board meetings.

The upcoming one is Feb. 27 in Carlsbad, which is between LA and San Diego, but more in the orbit of the latter.

The event is being held at the Carlsbad Windmill, with the venue doubling up as the site for education sessions and a networking event that follows.  DSF Members get complimentary registration, and they can invite clients, partners, and their company colleagues for free if they are have Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Advisory Council member status.  If not, there’s a small fee.

The event starts at 3:30 PM west coast time with two educational sessions, followed by drinks and the furious exchanging of business cards.

To register, go to https://mydsf.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1925316 and follow the instructions after logging in.

Won’t be hitting that one. Getting to San Diego from waaaaay east is a full day of flying, with dreaded airport connections. But it’s a good opportunity for the sizeable SoCal digital signage community to gather. Alan Brawn and son Jonathan, for example, are San Diego-area residents, so they can drive.

Now that I think about it, based on my LA freeways experience last fall, driving from some place like Santa Monica might also be a full day trip!


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