This 55-inch Transparent OLED Display Disappears Into A Floor Cabinet
August 12, 2024 by Dave Haynes
High price would likely keep these things from flying out the door, sales-wise, but this is an interesting use of a 55-inch transparent OLED as something of a display and product explainer fixture. The display sits atop a metal enclosure, and is voice-controlled to drop down and rise up kinda a slice of bread in a toaster.
It is from a Shenzhen display manufacturer called CEOLED – which I misread as CEO LED but is CE OLED. The company is a display manufacturer, but I think the OLED “glass” comes from partners, who are listed as LG, BOE and Japan Display.
I don’t think you’ll find this helping to sell juice boxes or power tools at big box store, but there is an interesting bit of sales presentation theatre possible here in high-end retail, real estate development visitors centers and corporate briefing and experience centers. Showing one’s latest pots and pans would be enhanced by something akin to a VR/AR overlay sliding up on demand in front of whatever was being shown and explained.
LG had a consumer product that was kinda sorta like this, launched in 2021 but already retired. It was a non-transparent OLED that rolled into a much shallower, furniture-like base. And it cost $100,000.
We can assume this is MUCH less costly, but the mechanical aspects of the base mean it would still come with several zeroes in the pricer tag.
EKAA just released new line of Transparent OLED displays in 30-inch, 55-inch, and 77-inch sizes. All LG glass as I am sure the ones here are. Generally I have seen LG, BOE and AUO. Not much Samsung oddly enough