First Entries Now In For 2025 Global Digital Signage Awards

July 23, 2024 by Dave Haynes

Tip of the hat to Austria’s Responsive Spaces, a creative technology firm that does sophisticated work in retail and designed experiences, for getting their homework in first for the 2025 global Digital Signage Awards.

The 2025 awards will be announced and handed out at a dinner ceremony during Integrated Systems Europe in Barcelona early next year. Sixteen:Nine has been and continues to be a main sponsor of these awards and, like the past couple of years, the awards dinner will be at the same venue and immediately after the now annual Sixteen:Nine ISE Mixer (starting to fill out mixer sponsor list, by the way, with only two slots left, so email me if you want one!)

The entry window opened in June and runs through to the end of September, so there is still heaps of time. But there is MUCH to be said for just getting this stuff done and out the door, and not scrambling when someone realizes, “Oh Crap! The deadline is FRIDAY!!!”

From an earlier post:

As the main judge and the person charged with coming up with suitable categories, we made a healthy leap forward in 2024 with re-thought and better described categories – which resulted in more entries and room for small companies to have a shot at winning things. Awards are often all about the projects with the biggest budgets and the most bling, but anyone who has been reading Sixteen:Nine for a while knows of my considerable affection for stuff that has little to do with Wow Factor and just does a job well – like telling travelers where to go and how much time they have.

These are the categories …

You can read up on How to Enter and also get Useful Advice on the awards website. Closing date for entries is September 30, 2024.


  1. Markus Pargfrieder says:

    Thanks for the shout-out, Dave. Of course we are happy to be back in the competition. We really missed not being able to participate last year.
    It was the DSA 2018, that brought us together and since then, we at Responsive Spaces as well as the Award have grown and advanced …
    Let’s keep both things up!

    best wishes,

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