Lots Of Education Options Next Week At InfoComm. Here’s What I Hope To Sit In On (Or Have To!)
June 6, 2023 by Dave Haynes
InfoComm is next week and I am starting to think through what educational sessions I want to hit that relate to digital signage and experiential projects.
AVIXA and the Digital Signage Federation have collaborated on a full set of sessions branded as D=Sign, and you can find a post here that does a full round-up of those sessions and the people at podiums and on discussion panels.
I’m there all week but time is still finite, so I have limit the number of learning sessions. It is looking like Wednesday is my day for that.
One session I will definitely attend is the one where I get a microphone (and food) – A Market Insights Lunch: Digital Signage on June 14th. That one has me working with my German friends from Invidis to talk about the market and what’s come out of months of work done putting together stories and data for the annual Invidis Digital Signage Yearbook, which for a second year will have content contributions from Sixteen:Nine.
We did an insights lunch last year in Las Vegas, and had a good crowd.
There are a bunch of good D=Sign sessions but the one that interests me most is D=SIGN: Touchdown! Interactive Branding Across Sports & Stadiums, a June 14th one-hour session that includes on the panel the guy who runs digital signage for the Dallas Cowboys, and also the special projects director for Daktronics, which has done many of the bigger and more iconic LED replay and halo displays at big sports venues.
Those two sessions are in conference rooms and require registrations and $$$, but there’s also a free, walk up and sit down one on the show floor on the 14th at 3, featuring four folks from creative shops – including David Title from NYC’s Bravo Media – talking about experiential: Ask the Experts: How to navigate an immersive revolution
These are my options but not my recommendations on what ones to catch. Go to what interests you and aligns with the work you do and market you work in.
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