Delta’s Parallel Reality Display Now Running At Detroit’s Airport
June 30, 2022 by Dave Haynes
That very interesting new take on display technology – called Parallel Reality – is now live at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, informing Delta passengers about key, personalized flight information.
The proposition is that up to 100 people can look at this big display at the same time and see personalized flight information tailored to their unique trip on a single, shared digital screen.
“If this new technology can make finding your gate and departure information quicker and easier, we’re not just showing customers a magic trick — we’re solving a real problem,” says Ranjan Goswami, SVP Customer Experience for Delta. “Customers already rely on personalized navigation via their mobile devices, but this is enabling a public screen to act as a personal one – removing the clutter of information not relevant to you to empower a better journey.”
The PR on the launch continues:
When tech scouts at Delta’s global innovation center, The Hangar, first came across PARALLEL REALITY technology over three years ago, Delta leaders quickly saw the value such technology could bring to an airport environment. Delta’s innovation team partnered with Southern California-based tech startup Misapplied Sciences, led by CEO Albert Ng, to bring PARALLEL REALITY to life.
There is an animated gif on this page that shows what does on … I tried to embed here, but it was a huge and it no workee …
There is also a 4 minute video here that shows the process.
“All innovation at Delta is incredibly human-centric,” says Matt Muta, Vice President – Innovation. “We’re not chasing shiny objects; we’re looking for ways to make our customers’ lives easier. With PARALLEL REALITY, we saw an opportunity to personalize and simplify what can be a confusing experience – navigating the airport.”
Delta’s partnership with Misapplied Sciences has brought the high-tech world of Silicon Valley to the familiar airport setting. “Delta’s leadership immediately understood the implications of our technology for the future of travel,” said Ng, adding that “their objectives mesh perfectly with our company’s vision of personalized experiences in public environments; and technology that empowers people without complexity or gadgets.”
To Delta’s innovation team, the value add of the PARALLEL REALITY experience to the travel journey is clear.
“Ultimately, this technology is a way to make the customer feel seen and valued,” said Muta. “Imagine the peace of mind that such individualized messaging can provide to a traveler who is overwhelmed by the airport environment. That level of personalization, when coupled with the care of Delta employees on the ground, is a powerful combination.”
The set-up is keyed to digital identity technology in use at DTW. In addition to seamlessly moving through bag drop, security touchpoints and boarding, eligible customers who opt in to using digital identity at check-in can access the PARALLEL REALITY exhibit via facial recognition through the camera at the kiosk screen (non-digital identity customers can access it by scanning a boarding pass).
“Customers are expecting more and better from airlines, and we have to work even harder to meet those higher expectations,” said Goswami. “Across the organization, as we work to increase staffing to meet consumer demand, we must also continually evaluate the experience we’re delivering in the airport and work to make it as intuitive, efficient and pleasurable as possible.”
I find this interesting, but it has that early-days, we’re-still-figuring-this-out feel about it. You can walk in to this “experience” zone and go through the process that leads to your updated flight information being up on the screen … or you can just whip out your phone, and there it is.
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