Is The Beijing Bird’s Nest Floor One Big LED Display?
February 4, 2022 by Dave Haynes
I watched a little of the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony this morning as Nespresso very slowly re-animated me, and thought to myself, “That’s some serious projection-mapping going on there.”
But looking online at some of the images coming out of the Bird’s Nest stadium, I am now thinking the whole stadium floor and the ramp that athletes come in on are LED panels, and projection-mapping is just doing supporting visuals, like up above. I don’t see any shadows but I do a big, thin grid on the floor.
It also looks the a huge vertical display that surrounds and looms above the ramp where the athletes come in is also a big LED.
Whatever the case, it’s impressive. The summer Olympics in Beijing were also a big moment for LED and, in particular, mass-scale projection mapping.
The opening segment with the wavy light tube-thingies – paired with the motion graphics on the floor – was quite something.
Anyone seen AV details – in English – that run through what’s been done here?
UPDATE – Unilumin’s Marcello Marques guy, see comments below, says it is Unilumin LED floor tiles.
I watched. It was impressive. My guess is a lot of tech built into those floors.
It’s a LED Floor Tiles made and supplied by Unilumin
Not sure if this is confirmed, but this link was passed around and looks legit…would conflict with Marcello’s note above https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IaoqAIKI-kjz8cR9JiAGdA
This was awesome. The first country used like this. In the future many countries certainly will copy it. Proud of China. From Korea
fascinating to be watching a big floor tv on a big tv. all the magic is lost. anyone can photoshop and animate but not everyone can do props well