Poland’s Screen Network Raising Climate Change Awareness Using Warsaw LED Countdown Clock
October 28, 2021 by Dave Haynes
The Polish OOH media firm Screen Network has started supporting an educational campaign that bluntly reminds people how time is running out to make the industrial and behavioral changes to stop what would be irreversible climate changes.
A climate change countdown clock is now part of the content running on a big LED display atop a commercial building in Warsaw’s city center.
The clock, says Screen Network, in Warsaw City Centre is counting down to the climate change calamity. Each day brings us closer to an ecological and environmental catastrophe. According to scientific calculations, with the current level of CO2 emissions, in less than 8 years irreversible climate changes will occur; global temperature will increase by 1.5 degrees. This moment is known as the point of no return. We must start acting here and now and encourage the largest possible amount of people to act. A clock has appeared on the screens installed in the epicenter of Warsaw, transmitting the countdown towards the tipping point.
This action is a response to the international initiative #ClimateClock – created by activists from all over the world. The first clock of this type was launched in New York. The clock displayed on the screen installed at the Marriott hotel, in the immediate vicinity of the Central Railway Station, counts down the exact number of years, days and hours – in real time.
We feel the effects of global warming today – facing the effects of drought, excess rainfall and flash flooding. In order to emphasize the relationship between the occurrence of such phenomena and activities within our environment, the clock measuring the time to the critical moment of disaster was compared with information from the greatest natural disasters in recent years. There are examples of devastating floods, fires and hurricanes that plagued both Europe and the rest of the globe.
The educational campaign, continues Screen Network, was done in collaboration with the editorial staff of NaTemat.pl. “The messages broadcast are a reminder of how little time is left to prevent irreversible damage to the environment. Screen Network has extensive experience in social and educational campaigns. We regularly engage in initiatives for the public good. Permanent connection of digital OOH screens with the Internet gives a unique possibility to immediately broadcast important messages. All actions requiring a quick response, disseminating important information, and supporting pro-social information activities can be rapidly deployed to our screens.”
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