Mvix, BrightSign Pair On Worry-Free Signature Care Program For Large Digital Signage Networks
September 14, 2021 by Dave Haynes
The DC-area digital signage software firm Mvix has partnered with BrightSign on a new program designed to take any hardware worries off the table in planning large, long-term networks.
The new Signature Care program provides a lot of hand-holding through deployment, ongoing priority support, and built-in hardware refreshes after three years.
Targeted at enterprise-scale deployments, this initiative is intended to enable high system uptime, operational efficiency, and continuous business innovation. This unique program, aptly branded as “Signature Care”, is a first-of-its kind for its clients leveraging BrightSign digital signage players with Mvix cloud-based digital signage software. Available throughout the U.S., Canada, and regions within Latin America, the new Signature Care program provides phone-based priority support as well as premium services: accelerated issue resolution, advanced device replacements, lifetime warranty, and free system replacements every three years.
The services are designed to reduce downtime, enhance forward compatibility with newer signage technologies, and reduce overall network maintenance costs. The goal of the hardware refresh program is to provide clients with the latest BrightSign signage players with an updated operating system. Hardware refresh ensures clients compatibility with the latest content technology and new network paradigms.
“This program created by Mvix is truly groundbreaking and destined to be a huge success,” says BrightSign CEO Jeff Hastings.
The service will be provided as an add-on bundle with Mvix cloud software licenses that pair with BrightSign digital signage players. Designed for high-demand projects, Signature Care provides an unlimited incident support structure with proactive (advanced replacement) media player replacements to minimize downtime.
“By replacing the signage players every three years, we will keep our client networks up to date and synchronous with the most current, state-of-the-art technologies,” says Mike Kilian, VP of Client Relations at Mvix. “All digital signage projects covered under the Signature Care program are backed by our guaranteed 36-month replacement policy. It offers an incredible value for our Enterprise clients. Digital signage network robustness and stability is key to achieving ROI for our Enterprise clients, and this program drives that outcome.”
This is interesting. You could make the argument that the hardware refresh will be built into the price, so it is free in marketing name only. You could also wonder id a BrightSign box would need replacement after just three years (they’ll likely last much longer, though maybe the memory cards would be wearing down).
But digital signage is in the interesting position of transitioning from a nice to have to a need to have for many businesses, but maybe not at a mission-critical level that will get it a lot of IS/IT attention and care. So an offer that, at face value, says “don’t worry, we’ve got this covered for you” will resonate with large and busy organizations.
Just before the pandemic hit the two companies had announced a flat-fee bundle of hardware and software. I dunno if this new program supplants that, or is another option.
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