Here’s A Big Virtual Waterfall On A Video Wall In A K-12 School. Yeah, A School.
August 18, 2021 by Dave Haynes
This is an LED project and custom creative that’s a little mind-blowing for a couple of reasons.
It’s a BIG fine pitch LED video wall in the new common area of a Christian K-12 school in Atlanta – albeit a private school that charges more than $25K a year in tuition and has four full-time staff working on “giving” initiatives from parents and alumni.
Along with a big capital budget, the decision-makers put a lot of budget – I dunno but certainly substantial five figures – into custom creative by the specialty West Coast creative shop Fusion CI.
The waterfall videowall thing has been done many times now, but arguably no one does it like Fusion CI – notably because one of the principals in the studio has a PhD in geophysical fluid mechanics.
In this case, the video uses the illusion depth and the help of HiFi-grade audio to start a waterfall that gradually pours over the emerging name of the school, and then transitions to another sequence where waves splash against a giant W and virtual window glass.
Here’s a video:
The wall is 22’x12′, using 1.26mm LEDs from Digital Projection, realizing a resolution of 5,280 x 2,970 – so more than 4K. Analog Way’s media server drives the content. Pro AV integrator Stage Front spec’d the project and put it in.
I am guessing, only, that the video wall has the expressed purpose of functioning as a giant screen in the common area for things like visiting lectures and special events, but also serves as serious Wow Factor when school admissions people walk well-heeled parents through the campus.
The local parent teacher association for a public school would be in fits if this was how capital budget was spent (though they’d still probably sign off on football stadiums), but a private school can do what it wants. There’s also the chance this was donated by a set of parents.
Interesting side note for creatives: This three-dimensional illusion, unlike the vast majority of them seen lately on outdoor billboards, does not demand it be viewed from a very specific and narrow angle. As you can see in the video, the camera moves.
This totally unreal, so much so we are looking for more information to do something like this. We already have the walls! Two of them 32×9.