Is Your Digital Signage Business Being Impacted By Global Semiconductor Shortages?

May 7, 2021 by Dave Haynes

I have been hearing, for weeks now, about a shortage of semiconductor microchips – the smarts inside everything from cars to countertop home appliances. And pro AV technologies.

There is more demand than supply at the moment, and that may affect the availability of new product.

Observers say the situation, globally, owes to several COVID-driven factors, such as closed factories or reduced production capacities, along with a big spike in consumer electronics demands as people stuck at home bought a bunch of new devices – from webcams and monitors to TVs and soundbars. They also bought more cars than expected, even though they might not be driving to work.

Sanctions on China have also reduced supply.

Gary Kayye of rAVe had a good post up recently about the implications for the pro AV sector. But I’d like to get a sense from the narrower digital signage lens about what’s going on and what it means.

So, I am interested in hearing from readers about their supply chain experiences lately. Is stuff delayed? Unavailable? Up in price?

Have you had to change suppliers or re-think a network, to use components you know are available in the numbers needed?

Shoot me your thoughts at dave AT

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