Get Glimpses Of The Big Samsung DV LEDs In New LVCC Loop Transport Stations

April 9, 2021 by Dave Haynes

Here’s a look at the big DV LED screens that have been installed in the transport stations below the new parts of the Las Vegas Convention Center.

They’re Samsung displays that, I assume, will be used mainly to promote specific events and main sponsors week to week in what is theoretically a situation that has some dwell time. Event attendees takes escalators down to a station, use an app, and wait for a Tesla to scoop them up and run them over to another hall via bored tunnels and, by the looks of it, above ground.

It’s a smart place to put big screens, but like many people I am not all that sold on the whole concept of individual cars (with drivers, at the moment!) rolling slowly through tunnels somehow being positioned as a glimpse of the future.

A city in China has a trackless tram system that looks like light rail in Europe and can carry 100s of people at once. This one is in the US, and is about 45-years-old!

We’ve all been to airports that have autonomous light rail systems running between terminals – outside, underground or, with Detroit, inside the terminal. Those things would move a lot more people per hour than what’s possible here. It won’t begin to handle the crowd volumes at major shows like CES.

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