Real Estate Developer Uses Anamorphic Illusions On Indoor Corporate LED Video Wall
March 29, 2021 by Dave Haynes
New anamorphic 3D visuals on big LED boards located in public plazas in Asia seem to be popping up more and more on feeds like Linkedin.
Like this one with a Star Trek craft flying out of a building corner.
Here’s a very different take – a corporate office in Vancouver, BC that is using anamorphic visuals (viewed from a certain angle, 2D graphics look three-dimensional) for business messaging. This appears to be in the corporate offices or a presentation centre for the real estate developer Concord Pacific, which has built a forest of condo towers in the greater Vancouver area.
The content was done by Render Impact and the display tech is from ClearLED, which is known for its transparent mesh LED but also has more conventional indoor and outdoor product.
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