Cenareo Develops Free Chrome Extensions That Launch Health Safety Messaging In New Tabs

April 30, 2020 by Dave Haynes

The French CMS software firm Cenareo (formerly known as CityMeo) has developed a free Chrome browser extension designed to push educational reminders about Covid-19  issues.
The idea is that when a user opens a new tab in the heavily-used browser, it starts with a splash page with up-to-date health information.
The content includes:
  • Tips regarding health matters;
  • Thank you content for all the ones that are on the front line;
  • Prevention guidance;
  • and a variety of other messages.
There is no email/registration requirement, and nothing is required for downloading it.
CEO David Keribin says the extension is open to individuals, but thinks business executives might see this as an effective way “to help them spread best practices and make sure their employees are taking care of them.”
There is a French extension (with French content) => https://cenareo.com/fr/nouvelles-ressources/actualit%C3%A9s/cenareo-propulse-laffichage-dynamique-sur-les-ecrans-dordinateur/?lang=1
And a global extension (with English content) => https://cenareo.com/news-resources/news/signage-displays-are-now-your-computer-screens/?lang=1
The English language versions mines some of the content other digital signage and creative  companies have developed, most of them found here: https://www.sixteen-nine.net/2020/03/11/resource-free-files-your-screen-network-can-use-for-covid-19-awareness-efforts/
I tried it. Adding the extension takes seconds and seems to work well.

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