Bob O’Brien Of DSCC On the State And Future Of Digital Displays In The Time Of COVID-19
February 26, 2020 by Dave Haynes
There is very little that’s simple about the display industry – whether it’s on the consumer or commercial side.
At first glance, it would seem to be all about the electronics, but a flat panel display, in particular, involves a lot of specialty glass and chemical compounds. What gets pulled together for a digital signage display may originate in multiple factories from multiple companies in multiple countries.
A consulting firm called Display Supply Chain Consultants (or DSCC) is in the business of making sense of it all, and relaying that expertise to the manufacturing ecosystem. DSCC does consulting, produces reports and stages business conferences.
I spoke with DSCC Co-Founder and President Bob O’Brien about emerging technology, as well as the impacts being seen by the COVID-19 outbreak. Time will tell, but for now, O’Brien says the impact on commercial display production and availability looks pretty negligible.
It gets a little technical at times, but listen and learn.
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