The DSE 2020 16:9 Mixer Is Once Again Sold Out
February 20, 2020 by Dave Haynes
It took all of three days, and the open tickets for the 2020 version of the annual mixer are now sold out. The mixer, in its 11th year, has become the traditional kick-off event for Digital Signage Expo – a target-rich environment for networking, or just a chance to catch up and re-connect with industry friends.
Between the 320 of those who just registered, and the 100 or so more who will be there via sponsor tickets, it will be another big crowd. We usually see about 75% of the people who register actually turn up, so it is well north of 300 who come. I wish everyone who did sign up, then showed up, given that others get turned away. But …
If you did not register, there is a waiting list and there are always a few people who drop off because of changed plans or circumstances. You can also look over the sponsor list and nag someone you know from one of those companies.
This is the url for the waitlist: https://sixteennine2020mixer.eventbrite.com
If you scored a ticket, see you in a few weeks! If you are a sponsor, rest assured there are tickets set aside for you, and I will be in touch with a registration code to get at them.
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