Visionect’s E-Paper Business Evolving To Be End-To-End Solutions Provider

January 30, 2020 by Dave Haynes

The Slovenian tech company Visionect has announced something of a pivot in its business, shifting the focus from being hardware-led to offering an end-to-end solution based around its deep expertise in e-paper digital displays.

For over 12 years, says the company, we have been using e-paper to transform locations into smart living spaces – a mission that will continue, now with a focus on end-to-end solutions to improve the quality of living by providing even more effective, relevant and non-intrusive real-time information in public environments.

The company has been developing e-paper displays and supporting technology that has focused on mass transit and meeting rooms – with the main value proposition being that e-paper displays require minimal power consumption and can run for weeks or months off a battery or be steadily powered from small transit stop solar arrays.

The company is by no means the only one out there doing things with e-paper, but the big differences between Visionect and most of its competitors are marketing savvy and great creative chops. A lot of monochromatic e-paper displays don’t, frankly, look very appealing, but good, minimalist designs applied to meeting room and transit signs make Visionect’s products look really good.

Evolving into end to end services makes sense for a few reasons.

First, it’s probably an “ask” from a lot of potential customers, as end-users with a billion other things to do would rather engage a company who can figure out and do something fo them, than have to sort out the vendors and solution themselves.

Second, margins on hardware and software tend to be thin, so providing turnkey services should mean more revenue. It helps that they are also, from what I have seen, in designing final products.

Empowered by the success of our end-to-end meeting room solution Joan and supported by increased user demand and a rapidly growing market, we are now stepping up our focus to work on end-to-end products that will create an easy-to-use and scalable end solutions to improve information sharing in public environments. 

In short: What Joan is for meetings, Visionect Outdoor Display Solutions will soon become for the world. 

All of our future products and solutions will continue to be built on Visionect`s cutting-edge, core e-paper technology, now modular and enriched with features that support the implementation of the Smart City agenda and plug into the ecosystems that application providers already have in place. 

The company has a stand at ISE in Hall 8.


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