Jay Leedy On How The Giant Integrator Diversified Approaches Digital Signage
August 21, 2019 by Dave Haynes
There are a handful of big AV systems integrators in North America genuinely active in digital signage, but I’m feeling pretty comfy saying New Jersey-based Diversified is the most active, experienced and directly knowledgeable about this industry.
The company has built and then managed many of the larger networks out there, including most of the big US banks that the average person could name. While some of the other big AV/IT guys have some dedicated resources, Diversified has a whole and big group pretty much doing nothing but digital signage and digital out of home work.
The company also put the time and money into hiring a series of subject matter experts on digital signage – one of them being Jay Leedy, who is now Director of Business Development for what many people in the industry know as Diversified’s Digital Media Group, or DMG.
Jay’s based down in Atlanta but works with people and companies across the country. In this talk, we get into what DMG is all about, how they plug into this sector, and how they tend to work with clients and partners.
We get into many things, like Adobe – a company more active in signage than many of us probably think – Google, and the adoption rates out there for smart signage.
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