Intuiville Lets Developers Wander Virtual Digital Showrooms For Interactive Ideas
July 18, 2019 by Dave Haynes
The French firm that offers a coding-free platform for creating, deploying, measuring and managing interactive digital screens has produced an interesting virtual showroom that highlights dozens of use-cases and ideas.
Intuiface launched Intuiville, intended as the “most comprehensive guide to digital interactivity at work.”
Lots of software and hardware companies in the signage ecosystem have showcases and portfolio sections, but this is one of those “eat your own dog food” things where a company uses its capabilities to show its capabilities.
I like this because it has a nice visual interface and sorts down to verticals like workplace, and then drills down again to examples. Nicely done!
Says a press release:
Intuiville is constructed like a small town whose Web-based interactive map highlights nine businesses, each representing a unique industry vertical: Retail, Education, Museums, Trade Shows, Workplace, QSR, Real Estate, Hospitality, and Government. Selection of an industry triggers the appearance of a mock-up populated with people performing a variety of industry-specific activities, each activity representing a unique use of interactivity.
Selection of any usage scenario displays a dedicated page containing a business value summary, key Intuiface features enabling the scenario, customer videos of real-world examples, and downloadable Intuiface samples.
Intuiface created Intuiville to address the general lack of public understanding about what can be achieved with interactivity. The technology options for interaction beyond touch – like RFID/NFC, sensors, voice, beacons, and more – are still relatively new and poorly understood by companies interested in pursuing new approaches for digital engagement. With proper execution, these novel approaches to interaction can be used to stunning effect for everything from selling a product to educating a museum-goer.
“Interactivity can be used across industries to educate, inform, inspire, promote, and much more,” says Geoffrey Bessin, Intuiface’s Chief Evangelist. “With Intuiface, companies clear the technology hurdle, giving them access to any interactive approach without writing code. Now, with Intuiville, the same companies can understand what is possible, inspiring them in their efforts to reinvent digital engagement.”
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