Trying To Nerd Out, And Mostly Failing, At Display Week

May 13, 2019 by Dave Haynes

The Society for Information Display is a non-profit group run by display industry people, and it holds an annual trade show and conference that pulls in many to most of the top-level display engineers in that business.

Display Week, as the event is called, is this week in San Jose, CA, and I am attending for the first time.

I am taking a break from proceedings this afternoon because the session called An Introduction To microLED is an introduction for engineers, not mere mortals like me.

When the guy started talking about how nanowires allow for heteroepitaxy, I went cross-eyed. I “get” technical stuff for the most part, but some of these sessions go DEEP into the weeds. They even, horrors, talk mathematical formulas.

That stated, the show is for engineers, not moron trade journalists, so it SHOULD be technical.

I have so far only seen one pure-play digital signage person here, and that is STRATACACHE CEO Chris Riegel. He is inherently bright enough to learn here, and has been coming for a few years.

The end-user crowd here is fascinating – have seen people from Apple, NASA, Google and a  bunch of other monster organizations. But these are engineers, not the people who buy stuff from the displaycos.

I am furiously taking notes and snapping pix. Will post a few things when I get a chance, emphasis on when.


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