Breaking Down The Jargon Of LED Pixel Pitch

April 15, 2019 by guest author, Eric Seigler

Guest Post: Mitch Leathers, SNA Displays

Most LED display manufacturers worth their salt can talk a good game. As someone who has spent almost 15 years in the digital display industry, in the marketing/communications space, I know this well.

Mitch Leathers

Sales and marketing teams throughout our industry – hell, all industries – tout their products and services using brand names and slogans and feel-good video productions. Some companies actually back up their talk with quality products and services.

Others back it up with … well, not-so-quality products.

Still others back up their talk with competitors’ products and services, but that’s a grievance for another day.

My company – one of the top direct-view LED manufacturers – certainly tries to promote what we feel are top-notch products, services, and people in a way that gets customers to hear us out.

But I have to admit, if you’re new to the digital display industry or unfamiliar with some of its finer, technical aspects, the company that talks a good game is probably indistinguishable from the company that has a good game.

That’s a problem for you. (And for good companies.)

Many consumer advocates agree that if it’s tough to distinguish between companies based on what you see and hear from them, it’s probably best to know the basic aspects of the product you’re interested in. Especially when it comes to the kind of technology large-format video screens are made of, an understanding of the fundamentals is probably the best way to make sure you’re on track to get the value you desire.

Which is why we’ve made it a point of emphasis to address some of our industry’s most basic technical aspects in a low-to-no-fluff eBrief series we’ve started pushing out to the partner and end-user community. The eBriefs are intended to cover topics such as pixel pitch, viewing distances, brightness, bit depth, diodes, pixel packaging and much more.

If you click on the link here, you’ll get a free eBrief that addresses pixel pitch, one of the most determinative factors in the cost and capability of an LED video display.

Pixel pitch, along with display size, relates directly to the image resolution of a display. LED displays are comprised of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) grouped into clusters, known as pixels. Pixels are the basic building block of any content, as they are the smallest addressable element in a raster image.

With enough pixels in a given space an image can be created. The closer those pixels are to each other the more pixels the space will have, and therefore the higher the resolution of the image.

The brief breaks down the jargon and also describes some of the ways the ideal pixel pitch may differ depending on environmental and viewing factors.

We hope this is helpful to people trying to cut through the marketing jargon and understand the technical attributes of LED displays.


  1. Laura says:

    Can’t seem to open the brief or link. Does it open in Safari?

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