Moving LED Ball Cloud Fills Canopy At Guangzhou Airport DOOH Media Installation
September 13, 2018 by Dave Haynes
The new terminal 2 at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport in China (Guanzhou is in the same mega-city region as Shenzhen) has a set of very impressive digital OOH and ambient media pieces in called Cultural Sky Plaza, located in the center of the pre-security check-in area.
The idea of the main piece, it seems, is to emulate a cloud canopy, with 850 LED balls arrayed just below it – set to move, flow and change colors. The canopy is intended to welcomes passenger with several seats and a bar, but is also has a stage for speeches, concerts, exhibitions and other events, like product launches and specialty leasing pop-up demos (like cars).
The set-up is surrounded by three curved digital screens. It was put in, as you will see in the video, by JCDecaux Airport China. The terminal opened in April. Haven’t been there, but the airport in Shenzhen looked like this – airy and gorgeous.
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