Gordon Feller Talks About The Real Potential For Smart Cities And Digital OOH
July 18, 2018 by Dave Haynes
I can’t say I’ve been all the enthralled by what I’ve seen so far with smart cities initiatives that involve digital out of home media companies. For the most part, they’re just digital posters with some wifi and maybe some sensors tossed in so the things can be called “smart.”
Those things exist to run ads, and the “smart” thing is largely a veneer to get the ad concession, and for city governments to get free stuff that purports to make their burg seem somehow innovative.
BUT … there’s a lot of potential there, and when you talk to someone who spends all his time thinking about and working on smart city initiatives, you learn there are some good things happening not only with broader smart initiatives, but also with efforts that DO involve media companies.
I wrote a mildly snarky piece recently about this stuff, and Gordon Feller sent me a note suggesting I have a look at a report he did for the Outdoor Advertising Association of America. He’s a longtime Silicon Valley tech exec and founder of Meeting Of The Minds, a non-profit public-private partnership that’s all about creating smarter cities.
We had a frank talk about what’s happened to date, where it really works, and what he sees as the vast potential for smart cities that work with media companies and digital signage technologies.
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As manager for kiosk manufacturer association I monitor smart city rfps and they can’t be ignored. They keep coming. Whether they are profitable or not is another question (and for whom). The two dreaded words often show up (aka “revenue share” aka we aren’t buying anything). I keep track of some of them here — https://kioskindustry.org/smart-cities-update/