16:9 Podcasts – Stan Richter On How SignageOS Bridges CMS Platforms With Different Hardware
March 28, 2018 by Dave Haynes
One of the big challenges on the technology side of digital signage is keeping up with all of the emerging hardware and software options on the market.
It used to be a reasonably simple case of developing software in one OS or another and getting it running on a PC. But now there are Android players, Chrome devices, set-top boxes and a variety of so-called smart displays from different manufacturers, most of them different from one maker to the next.
It’s a bit of a mess – particularly if you have a content management system and clients asking constantly if the platform works with this or that.
Stan Richter and his company SignageOS saw all of that, and have launched what’s being called a unification platform that makes it easy to get a CMS and its player running on multiple kinds of devices. SignageOS sits in the middle and also handles the management and maintenance of the various devices.
The service is white-labelled, and the idea is for software companies to subscribe to SignageOS and build that functionality and cost into their own licensing fees. The company, based in Prague, just publicly launched a couple of months ago, and have 30 NDAs going with software firms. They’ve got people at DSE this week, way at the back of the hall, and eager to talk to potential North American partners.
CEO Stan Richter, who I first met at ISE, filled me in recently.
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