16:9 Projects Podcast: Digital Signage Across A Northern City
September 29, 2017 by guest author, Danica Trapara
This isn’t a project that’s large in terms of pixels or screen counts; its impact is in its scale.
The Canadian city of Sudbury is about a four-hour drive north of Toronto. With a population a little less than Jackson, Mississippi, it is the 7th largest municipality by area in Canada.
Capital Networks has been working with the city since 2014 to help them coordinate their digital signage strategy to both employees and citizens across multiple city venues. That means over 45 locations including pools & recreation centres, Fire and Ambulance halls, arenas, public transit, and the Airport.
Interestingly the ‘ownership’ of digital signage rests with the Technology department. This frees up business groups to focus on their message, not the technology.
I spoke with Kelly Smith, Account Executive, with Capital Networks about whether IT ownership makes sense in all scenarios, and whether the lack of an overall message owner is an issue.
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