Sixteen:Nine Podcasts: Zach Klima, WaitTime
August 30, 2017 by Dave Haynes
If your digital signage screens are there to make something faster, better or easier for the people who are looking at them, you are doing good things.
That’s the idea behind a Detroit start-up called WaitTime – a digital signage and smartphone app solution that uses cameras and artificial intelligence software to give people at sports and entertainment venues mission critical information like which washroom lineups are shortest, and where to go to get intermission beer and drinks quickly.
The data that comes out of those camera feeds and software informs game and concert-goers where lines are shortest, which is great for fans – but also for venue operators. The screens load-balance lines and reduced the number of times people abandon lines at concessions. That means more sales.
CEO and founder Zach Klima says the systems tend to pay for themselves at arena and stadiums in less than a year.
In our chat, we talk about the roots of the platform, how it works, who’s backing it, and how it can play nicely with the digital signage companies who already service the sports and entertainment venue market.
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