TSItouch Gets Patent For Removeable Video Wall Protective Glass
July 28, 2017 by Dave Haynes
TSItouch has won a patent for a solution that allows a layer of protective glass over a digital signage display to be applied without actually bonding the glass to the LCD.
U.S. Patent #9,671,824 for the Glass Retention Bezel System (GRBS) was granted last month to the Uniontown, PA company.
This can be important for things like narrow bezel video walls in retail and used in advertising. They’re big, expensive and usually within reach of the general public – which means they’re going to get bumped, scratched and abused.
The normal way to protect those displays is bonding a sheet of cover glass directly to each individual display. That’s fine, except if the panel needs servicing, the cover glass has to be “de-bonded” – which is expensive and may damage the LCD. Then once servicing is done it needs to be “re-bonded” – meaning more work and cost.
With this method, it’s an overlay and comes off without a lot of grief.
This slightly deranged video reinforces that the protective glass is ready for the general public.
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