Provision’s Floating 3D Holographic Coupon Station Going Into Ohio Drug Store Chain
June 30, 2017 by Dave Haynes

Note: Not a shot from the Ohio drug chain.
LA-based Provision Interactive Technologies continues to find clients that get excited about its technology that shows consumer floating products in mid-air, as a carrot to get shoppers to use a coupon center.
The company has announced a deal to put its proprietary 3D Savings Center kiosks inside Discount Drug Mart stores around Ohio. The chain currently has 73 stores, including stores in larger markets like Columbus and Dayton.
Says a press release:
In addition to its eye-popping 3D holograph graphics, the 3D Savings Center kiosks offers in-store advertising, including exclusive Discount Drug Mart promotions, to provide customers highly effective sales offers at the point-of-purchase.
“This new partnership with Discount Drug Mart is a major milestone for Provision, as it further validates the applicability of our technology platform across the retail landscape, while providing a new revenue opportunity for Discount Drug Mart,” says Curt Thornton, President & CEO of Provision. “The 3D Savings Center represents a significant opportunity for brands to reach Discount Drug Mart’s robust customer base at the point-of-sale. We are excited by the expansion of our retail footprint and by the prospects for meaningful revenue growth resulting from a broader consumer reach across the retail channel.”
“The Provision 3D Savings Center will provide opportunities for customers to achieve even more savings,” says David Bergman, Vice President of Advertising at Discount Drug Mart. “Discount Drug Mart customers will enjoy an engaging 3D holographic experience and be immediately rewarded with coupons, promotions, and other give-ways for both in-store products and wellness-related local professional services, such as doctors, dentists, and optometrists.”
The 3D Savings Center kiosk contains Provision’s patented and award-winning 3D holographic display, which has been proven to attract and influence retail customers. Each unit also has a 2D interactive touch screen that provides consumers access to information as well as Discount Drug Mart promotions, rewards, and coupons. Brand marketers will be able to showcase their products via 3D advertising and engage viewers via the interactive touch screen interface.
A recent case study showed results that the average rate of redemption for coupons generated by Provision’s 3D Savings Center was 17.4 percent. This is an extraordinary redemption rate when measured against the published national average coupon redemption rate of 1.2 percent.
One might also argue that a big kiosk prominently placed at an end-cap, surrounded by graphics, might get some traction regardless of spinning, floating Coke cans, but I dunno … I also don’t know if this is technically a hologram, from a purest sense. Holograms and holographs are heavily abused and misappropriated terms.
This is one of those Wow Factor things, and Wow Factor tends to have a very short shelf life. That said, a much larger chain – Rite-Aid – has these units in 700 stores around the U.S.
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