Four Winds Sets Dates For Third Forward Conference
June 27, 2017 by Dave Haynes
Four Winds Interactive is going ahead with a third edition of its annual Forward conference in Denver, the software company’s home city.
The Oct. 10-12 event targets existing and prospective clients, but is also pretty good networking for vendors within FWI’s ecosystem.
I know companies like Scala and NDS (Netherlands) also do user events, though I don’t think they get near this scale and are more like partner/training conferences.
The first day track is training aimed at users, and the broader educational stuff happens on the 11th. The conference is fee-based, and ranges from $400 to $1,100 – the number based on how deep and involved a person gets (the big fee includes user training, meals, etc).
One thing I liked and thought worked well is FWI’s offices are in the same building as a very nice hotel, which was handy as hell. And the keynotes were maybe two blocks away in a museum theater. So it was all nicely contained, including the evening events in the hotel bar.
Here’s a “sizzle” video with visuals from the 2016 version of Forward …
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