Dave Needs Women – 16:9 Podcast Summer Plans
June 26, 2017 by Dave Haynes
I’m banking podcasts so they’ll be ready to air over the next few weeks, while I’m on an extended road trip – some interviews and also some advance work that might see World HQ relocated next year.
The back-end stats on my cloud podcast host say between iTunes, Google Play, RSS feed apps and the host itself, the 61 episodes to date have had some 147,000 downloads – or about 2,400 per episode. The feedback I’ve been getting from listeners has all been positive, though I’m certainly open to hearing constructive criticism. I cringe when I hear an “Uh …”
What’s been interesting is how the podcasts are used. I use them as reference tools, for when people ask me about companies. Take 30 minutes and have a listen to this person, I’ll say.
I’ve told people looking for jobs or job changes to listen to episodes that have people talking about hiring plans.
I know lots of people listen to get a better sense of what their competitors are up to.
And I know some people fire them up to kill time in a traffic jam. And probably fall asleep on an airplane.
I keep a list of target interview subjects, and am always trying to build that up. If your company has a story to tell, send me a note. I need about 45 minutes of time, and whoever’s Skype handle. The best chats tend to be the ones done in person, but there’s only so many trade shows and conferences to meet at, and only so much time on the ground at them.
I really, really want to talk to more women in leadership roles. The male:female ratio of podcasts is lopsided, though that just mirrors the industry.
In the next three weeks, you’ll hear interviews with D3 (LED displays and content processing), Tripleplay (IPTV and digital signage) and Framestore Labs (data-driven content).
nice heading…. Dave Needs women… brilliant.. 🙂
Constructive criticism: That guy from Maler, from Spain… what a pain…