Sixteen:Nine Podcasts: Rick Mills, Creative Realities (CRI)
June 7, 2017 by Dave Haynes
If you have followed the digital signage business for a few years, you have probably seen stories about the financial tailspins of a set of companies that eventually got blended together as Creative Realities, or CRI for short. Sitting in the cheap seats watching it all go down, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one thinking, Well, this won’t end well.
Then the company merged with another company, ConeXus World. Which had me thinking, Who? And then, Why???
Turns out there was a master plan here, started years earlier. Rick Mills, the CEO at ConeXus, had long had roll-up plans in the digital signage business, and picking up CRI was his first, but not his only move.
He brought some structure to the business, calmed things down, including clients, and in the last couple of quarters, brought a company that had been hemorrhaging red ink into the black.
Now he’s aggressively hiring people, looking to expand, and planning to acquire some smaller competitors to become one of the big boys in the digital signage solutions business.
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Hey Dave
– A bit of a nit – but shouldn’t the tag be CRI not CRO
Take care