DSE 2017 Is Done
March 31, 2017 by Dave Haynes
Normally I write daily wrap-up posts on DSE, but as you may have noticed, not this year. Too freaking busy.
Day 1 started at 7 and ended after midnight, or something like that. Let’s say that part’s a little fuzzy and leave it at that. Vegas.
Day 2 was nutty, as well.
On a plane tomorrow morning and I will write up impressions once back at World HQ. Top line summary: seemed quite busy day 1, sloooow on day 2. Lotsa stuff that will be new if you weren’t at other trade shows in January and February, but familiar if you were.
My favorite thing was not really a digital sign.
I hear from exhibitors who said “Great show!” I heard from others who basically said, “We’re done here” because the traffic and visitor profile disappointed them. My understanding is traffic was up from 2016, as was the overall booked space. As always, Andrea Varrone and the Exponation folks do a very polished, pro job running the event.
More to follow. Now I sleep.
If you are still in Las Vegas, safe travels home. It is windy as hell so I think many trips tonight are off, so if that’s the case, and you are stuck here for an extra night, I hope tomorrow isn’t a standby/overbooked cluster**** for you. Or me.
Thank you so much, it was great!
So…whats IS your favorite thing?