DSE Booth Previews: Free 16:9 Love For 2017 Exhibitors
February 13, 2017 by Dave Haynes
For the last couple of years, 16:9 has provided free editorial space for exhibitors at Digital Signage Expo to tell readers why they should plan to stop by their booth at the show.
That’s the deal again in 2017, and to streamline things at this end, I’ve set up an online form that will allow exhibitors to fill in the blanks and send it along to me. Ideally, you provide URLs where I can grab a company logo and booth preview image, if you have one.
Again, it’s free. I suppose I could charge something for it, but why?
I do it because it allows readers going to the show to do some advance research on who they want to see, and helps exhibitors pull in pre-educated prospects who are maybe a bit further ahead than the time-honored, “Sooooo … tell me what you guys do …”
You can access the form here.
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