Year In Review: 16:9’s Top Posts For 2016
December 30, 2016 by Dave Haynes
This year is pretty much done and dusted, so let’s take a look at what stories on 16:9 generated the most traffic in 2016.
You’ll immediately notice a couple of trends. First, people like numbered lists. Second, readers are looking to trim costs – hence the heavy traffic on posts about free software options and low cost Raspberry Pi-based signage options.
The biggest posts that were not somehow linked to budgets were Stratacache buying majority control of Scala and Four Winds taking 22 Miles to court over a patent dispute.
Here’s the Top 10 (since readers seems to love lists):
The posts that don’t generate a lot of page views are all over the place. That owes, in part, to not even bothering to report on things like new hires and job upgrades (feeble page view counts when I did them), or “who-cares???” stuff like companies announcing they have a new website or that they won an award that is clearly tied to advertising or event sponsorship.
I also don’t cover almost any of the market research reports that seem to endlessly come out on this business – since almost all of them originate from crap research factories in Pune, India. You should not be giving any credibility to “research” by companies that spit out multiple reports every business day – on just about anything called an industry – and always seem to show rosy prospects for blowing agents or pneumatic conveying devices or whatever the hell they made up that day.
Overall, traffic has been insanely good on 16:9 in 2016. Month to month, I seem to be up 50% or more over the same month a year earlier, and December 2016 is not that far from doubling 2015. That stated, 2015 was pretty spanking busy. So the momentum a lot of companies say they’ve been experiencing is reflected, as well, in this site.
Have a Happy New Year this weekend. Have fun. Take a cab.
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