Packed Toronto DSE Mixer
December 7, 2016 by Dave Haynes
Uber-Train-Train-Uber got me to and from Toronto yesterday to catch the Digital Signage Expo DSE Huddle mixer held at the Hard Rock Cafe off Yonge Dundas Square.
DSE Show Director Andrea Varrone was up from Atlanta to host the event and she said about 100 people registered. Not all of them showed, but there was a big crowd for the event. I saw some people I’d not seen in months or years, and people came in from as far afield as Buffalo, Barrie (snow belt north of Toronto) and Montreal.
Good event. Lots of insider news about job changes and company moves, and I got to meet some people I only new by email. It was also a reminder of just how big and diverse the industry is in this area.
More mixers around here needed. Thanks DSE for putting on, and sponsors Navori and Cineplex.
I did a podcast chat with Andrea. That should be up this time next week.
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