And That’s 5,000 …
October 28, 2016 by Dave Haynes
WordPress, the software I use to price this site, has a dashboard that provides an overview of activity – like page views, spam comments and numbers of posts. I’ve been paying attention to the posts count number lately because it was closing in on 5,000.
And this is the 5,000th post on Sixteen:Nine since I started in early 2006.
Thanks for reading, and thanks to the companies who support this blog through advertising and sponsorship. They make it possible to allocate so much time, and help offset the many costs – from server hosting and malware scanning to the travel expenses of trade shows and conferences.
Have a good weekend. I have an appointment now with a celebratory can of Belgian white.
I’ve been a reader for several thousand of those posts then and I’d like to thank you from a guy coming into this business from the web world, I learned a lot from your blog and your insights. Keep it up Dave!