Sixteen:Nine Podcasts: Two Months And 15,500 Downloads In

July 1, 2016 by Dave Haynes


It’s now been a couple of months since the first episode in the Sixteen:Nine Podcasts series went live, and 11 episodes are now up.

The podcast-hosting site shows about 1,400 listens, but that’s a fraction of the real story. The podcasts are up on Google Play and iTunes, and the RSS feed is hooked in through several podcast apps. So the real total for listens over the first two months is just shy of 15,500.

The series has been getting great feedback from people I’ve bumped into, and by email. Jeremy Gavin sent me a note out of the blue and said his company, Screenfeed, wanted to be the sponsor. That started this week and it’s much appreciated, since every one of these I do gets mixed and massaged by a professional sound engineer, for a fee. I could maybe figure the audio engineering out and do it myself, but only maybe. That and I have no time to learn how or do it.

The current episode is a really interesting session with Rick Cope, the former US Marine who started and runs NanoLumens. Next up is Jennifer Davis, the CMO for Leyard and Planar.

Through July, you’ll also hear podcast interviews with Vincent Encontre, the CEO of IntuiLab, Randy Pagnan, the RP in RP Visuals, and John Wang, the CEO of IAdea.

If you’ve not yet had a listen, grab your phone or portable music device and link to the feed. It’s a great way to hear 30 minute chats with a diverse set of top industry people.

Happy Canada Day, if you are up here. For readers south of here, have a great Independence Day long weekend!

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