Free Stuff: Screenfeed Makes US and Canada Holiday Spots Available
June 23, 2016 by Dave Haynes
The guys at Minneapolis-based Screenfeed have developed a couple of free-to-use national holiday greetings for American and Canadian clients and prospects.
The trade-off is that you’ll need to open an account with the company, which means you’re then in Screenfeed’s marketing loop. That’s not a bad thing, though, because they do great work and it’s worth keeping tabs on the new stuff.
There are two versions:
- a Let Freedom Ring spot in landscape and portrait that will only make sense on US networks. We like our freedom up here among the marauding beaver, but that phrase is not a patriotic often used up here.
- a Happy Canada Day or Happy July Fourth, again in two modes.
Canada Day, for my American friends, is July 1.
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