Sixteen:Nine Podcasts Seeing Healthy Download Numbers After 1st Week

May 13, 2016 by Dave Haynes


The Sixteen:Nine Podcast series just launched a week ago but it’s already doing quite well – with more than 300 downloads off the host pages and more than 1,000 if you lump in other podcast platforms that grab, distribute and play episodes out using the RSS feed.

Now … compared to something like Serial or The Message, the numbers are pathetic. But what I’m up to is not a mass market thing and these numbers are more than enough to convince me I’m on to something.

So far, Bryan Fairfield of Nanonation, Bill Dunn of LG MRI, Nanxi Liu of Enplug and Stephen Randall of Monster Media have suffered through the murderous 30 minute grilling by me, and had their chats posted. Jason Cremins of Signagelive has also talked, and his episode will be up Wednesday.

I’m doing another interview in about three hours, and if all the technical things cooperate (I learn something new about audio recording everyday), that one will be up in 10-11 days. In this crazy, connected world, I’m recording many of these just using Skype, and getting a guy in Namibia to pick the raw files up off a cloud hots and then do the mixing and sound engineering.

The response has been really good and the premise of actually spending some time talking about the technology, their businesses and backgrounds is powerful in an industry in which PR, white papers and short-form writing dominate.

I’m interested in speaking with the people in charge of companies that are showing clear innovation, and I also want to talk to other people who maybe aren’t in charge, but are kicking ass with what they do.

Send me a note, give me your pitch, and we’ll set something up. I already have some podcast interviews arranged for InfoComm, so if you are going to the Blast Furnace of Las Vegas next month, let me know.

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