German Charity’s Social Swipe Allows Direct Donations From Digital OOH Poster

March 23, 2016 by Dave Haynes


A UK reader kindly pointed me to this terrific charity program that combines a public-facing set of screens, a card reader and trigger-based content to drive donations to a German relief charity.

The Social Swipe program allows people in public spaces to swipe a credit card to make a small donation to Miserior. Put together by the Hamburg agency Kolle Rebbe, and installed at an airport, the set-up cleverly builds the card reader into the gap between LCD panels and uses the swipe action to trigger content.

The credit card cuts through the bound hands of an imprisoned Filipino child or slices a loaf of bread for a Peruvian family, showing that a donation of just ?2 Euro can make a difference. When donors received their credit card bill, they were asked to turn their initial donation into a monthly one.

Nicely done.

I’m not sure of the timing or status of the campaign, but I’d imagine other organizations and brands would be intrigued by this.


  1. Steve Hargis says:

    I was blown away by this presentation and its use of unique and attention getting message and execution for a good cause. Overall simplicity of its message and how they communicated it will be, I believe, a key to success for this campaign. It literally allows someone to lend a helping hand. This is appealing on so many levels.

    Herzliche Glückwünsche. Sie haben eine sehr gute Arbeit an diesem Projekt.

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