Digital Ad Signs On Taxis Is Old School, We Put Them On Lambos
March 2, 2016 by Dave Haynes
There are usually a handful of exhibitors showing up at DSE who leave me a little cross-eyed. This year, that may well be one called Captacar.
It’s a media company that puts LED video ad screens on top of exotic sports cars, and drives said cars around New York City, building up viewer counts. Think of screens you’ve seen on taxis in some cities – but in this case the rolling stock is a Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4.
I have no real idea what that is, other than it’s a $237,000 USD car people with way too much walking-around money drive for giggles. I drive a Nissan Micra, which can provoke giggling for other reasons.
The theory behind this screen on sports car thing is that people on the streets of Manhattan – where the company is based – are going to be more prone to noticing a sexy Lambo than a boxy, special-purpose Nissan taxicab, so therefore they’ll see the car and the ad screen.
The counter-argument, of course, would be that those people who would be excited to see an exotic Italian sports car are going to keep looking at said car, and who might be driving it, rather than than the big, boxy screen stuck to the top of it.
Admittedly, there is a certain “WTF???” quality to this, as the photo from the company’s website suggests.
I’m going to assume the company will rent a sexy car of some kind off one of those places on the strip for 3 days, and have that on the show floor. They are at booth 907.
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