Marketing: AOPEN Launches Product With Great Explainer Video

August 13, 2015 by Dave Haynes

aopen cbox grab

I think AOPEN may have some challenges with the price-points for its new commercial Chromebox and Chromebase – they’re priced accordingly, but the market mostly equates Chromebox to sub-$200 devices. However, the Taiwan company does a very nice job with this explainer video showing the products, features and benefits and applicability.

People who do mass deployments and work in rough environments “get” the importance of commercial versus consumer, but this sort of video marketing can help swing the crowd fixated on price.

This sort of thing costs a lot more than standard sell sheets (which too often get done by people who have little or no marketing sensibilities), but it can be very effective.

I’ll say it again: signage is a visual, video-driven medium, and if you are not marketing with that in mind, you’re kinda missing it.

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