DSE’s Operator Launches 2nd Vertical Market Event, Based On Corporate Communications
April 27, 2015 by Dave Haynes
The company behind Digital Signage Expo has announced another event that looks like a bit of a hedge against the mother ship’s future.
The EduCOMM Expo in Atlanta will focus on the implementation, oversight, and management of internal digital campus communication projects in the higher education vertical.
It will run at the same time and place as a co-located event called CorpCOMM, which is about the above, except focused instead on corporate communications.
Both are at the Georgia World Congress Center, September 30-October 1, 2015.
Says Exponation:
The two-day educational conference and show floor exhibits will focus on the future of campus communications and education technology, including the way in which technology enables communicating with students, faculty, administrators, staff, alumni, visitors and fans. Featured will be digital display solutions ranging from kiosks to video walls, communication software, remote and on-campus collaborative learning technologies, as well as mobile, desktop and audio applications that serve colleges and universities – of which there are close to 5,000 in the US alone.
An immersive educational conference will offer seminars and workshops both days that will educate attendees on best practices and the best ways to deploy, utilize and manage these technologies so that those responsible for creating, implementing and maintaining fluid and effective technology solutions will now have one place they can go to acquire these skill sets, examine all the latest technologies first hand, and learn to extract additional value from these investments.
Given that the sponsors of both events look identical, I’m going to assume you will see one booth serve both types of attendees. Higher ed and corporate communications needs have their differences, but not that many. I’d suggest most of these vendors can toggle between those verticals with ease, where they’d have a tougher time if someone came in asking about advertising or interactive retail.
I don’t know, but don’t think Digital Signage Expo is going away anytime soon. However, the marketplace is growing more specialized, as are some of the vendors. There may well be a lot of potential end-users out there who would rather go to a focused show that serves their more specialized needs than a catch-all show like DSE.
There are vendors that for years have mined vertical shows in gaming, higher ed and health care, and were the only ones there selling digital signage solutions.
It’s also pretty efficient for Exponation, which is based in suburban Atlanta and can pull this together without massive costs for travel and shipping.
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