- Photos by Thomas Story and Henniker Photography
- Photos by Thomas Story and Henniker Photography
- Photos by Thomas Story and Henniker Photography
Photos by Thomas Story and Henniker Photography
Last fall the skin care firm Murad opened a 1,500 square-foot storefront on W. 3rd Street in Los Angeles that serves as the brand’s global flagship retail location.
For a little shop it has a LOT of digital – and nicely executed at that. The digital finds its place without being overpowering, and the tiled displays is a good use of what was probably a dead zone on that structural bulkhead.
The AV side was put together by Mood Media and you can see from the pix a series of tablets at eye-height along the walls, enclosed in Armodilo fixtures.
I like the pictures. I am very impressed with the overall design. This shows how chic and understated digital signage can be, but still deliver the “Wow Factor”.