Have Fun, Learn Stuff, Stay Cool At InfoComm

June 16, 2014 by Dave Haynes


A buncha people have sent me notes asking me to stop by, get together, or come drink their beer – sometimes all three – this week in Las Vegas at InfoComm.

But … I’m not going.

While traveling every week is the norm for sales guys and CEOs (in many cases the real VP Sales of their companies),  I’d been away something like 5 of the last 6 weeks, and coming off a couple of 14-hour flights to Asia, a 5 hour flight to Blast Furnace, Nevada didn’t make me tingle with glee.

I’ll miss seeing the latest, greatest in display technology, but frankly I didn’t see a whole lot of other compelling arguments to get me there. First time I’ll miss the show since 2006 or something.

If you are going, have fun, learn stuff and have my allocation of cocktail party refreshments. It’s only in the mid to high 90s this week (been there when its been 114F day after day), but 99F should still be a good enough excuse for a beer.

If you see cool stuff, send pix and descriptions and I’ll post.

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