Noxel’s New Android Digital Signage Player Ships With BLE Inside
April 28, 2014 by Dave Haynes
The Singapore firm Noxel has done an interesting spin on an Android digital signage player – embedding a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module inside the playback device.
The company says that enables the digital signage network operator – like a retailer – to use the tech for indoor positioning and location-specific push messaging to smartphones.
BLE is embedded in company’s A700 player, which it touts as the most powerful Android-based digital signage player on the market, with a Quad Core ARM-A9 processor, embedded 3D Mali 400 GPU, built-in WiFi and available expansion storage. I’m not up on EVERY device out there, but quad core is a good thing.
“Putting an iBeacon on what’s probably the most powerful Android digital signage player available and then managing that in the cloud is what I think sophisticated network operators are now looking for,” says Farbod Sadeghian, CEO of Noxel, in a news release.
Integrating BLE means the messaging delivered on Xtream-powered screens can also be targeted down to the shopper smartphones and also provide intelligence on consumer behavior.”
Noxel has in-house creative and technical teams to develop mobile applications that can use iBeacons for advertising and location mapping.
Noxel’s Xtream cloud digital signage content management system is SaaS-based. Its suite of Android-based players, as well as a solid-state running embedded Linux device, all work off Xtream.
Xtream’s key features include real-time system monitoring, comprehensive reporting capabilities, triggered content support, a widget galley and friendly user tools that include an intuitive layout designer. Access and user rights can be assigned individually and the system has been designed to be highly secure.
Interesting. There certainly is no shortage now of Android options on the market, and I don’t know how hard or easy it is to build in BLE – but there’s lotsa buzz about that tech right now, and leveraging that buzz strikes me as smart.
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