Android And Windows Move In Together

January 7, 2014 by Dave Haynes


Some of the early reports coming out of CES are about work that would see the Windows and Android operating systems running on the same computing device, seamlessly.

AMD has a partnership with BlueStacks – emulator software that makes Android apps run on Windows devices – to develop technology that would run Android apps within Windows and let users launch them like they were native Windows applications.

Intel meanwhile announced Dual OS computers that run both operating systems, switchable by pressing a button.

What’s intriguing about the AMD announcement is that its plan factors in an ARM processor – the chip used for just about all Android work. It would mean – at least in theory – Android apps could run on their native chip design and be more efficient and accurate than is likely going to happen through emulation software.

So what does that mean for digital signage? Developers would know waaaaay better, but my take is that you could have CMS platforms working more easily across both platforms. A company that’s pushed heavily into Android would now, again in theory, work as well on Windows devices or on blended networks.

Smart developer/CTO guys. What do you think?

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