Projects: Raven’s New Lobby Design Builds In Digital Wall

December 11, 2013 by Dave Haynes


Raven Industries in Sioux Falls, South Dakota has redesigned its lobby and built in a nice angular wall of Christie MicroTiles.

The company designs and manufactures technical products like precision agriculture (beats me), high performance plastic films and sheeting, and aerospace and surveillance technology. For the lobby, the architect schemed in a 45-degree angle, white-faced wall with the tile displays embedded. The front desk operator sits to the left of the wall and with the remodel now complete, the new employee entrance off to one side provides a second direct view of the displays.

“The Executive Team was looking for a design that incorporated HD content without the traditional limits of a television mounted to a wall. We didn’t want to implement something that every company had done; we wanted something new and innovative that positions us as a tech company. It was important that we select a robust design that ensures longevity,” said Andrew Simmons, the project’s coordinator at Raven.  “After further research of the MicroTiles, we invited Christie onsite to perform a full demonstration of the product, and from there it went to design and final approval.”

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