Research: Digital Place-Based Posed For Major Growth Via Multi-Screen Campaigns
November 5, 2013 by Dave Haynes
This will warm the hearts of anyone charged with advertising sales at a Digital Out Of Home network.
A new study by the ANA (Association of National Advertisers) and Nielsen – done among client-side marketers, agencies and media sellers – suggests media spending related to campaigns run across multiple screen platforms will make a big jump in the next three years. The research suggests it will grow from 20 percent of budgets today to 50 percent in the next three years.
The particularly encouraging news is that the industry has grown to a level that it is actually mentioned in the research. Multi-screen campaigns, says a press release on the study, were defined as those that run during a similar timeframe across two or more screens including TV, computer, tablet, mobile phone and digital place-based media.
For many years, it’s mostly taken interpretation, extrapolation and crossed fingers to extract digital OOH media spend projections from research that did not specifically mention the medium.
The study says:
Integrated multi-screen campaigns are important today in effectively delivering a marketing message. However, that importance is expected to be dramatically higher three years from now.
- Today, 48 percent of respondents rate integrated multi-screen campaigns as very important.
- Eighty-eight percent of respondents expect such campaigns to be very important in three years.
All three constituencies in the survey — client-side marketers, agencies, and media sellers — predict dramatic shifts between today and three years from now.
Media spend attributed to integrated multi-screen campaigns is expected to increase as well.
- Today, 20 percent of media spend can be attributed to integrated multi-screen campaigns.
- That is expected to grow to 50 percent by 2016.
Attributes That Will Lead to Increased Spend on Multi-Screen Campaigns
Increased spend on multi-screen campaigns will require:
- Verification that advertising achieved the desired result (noted by 71 percent of respondents)
- Consistent metrics across screens (61 percent)
- Verification that advertising was delivered to the right audience (59 percent)
All three constituents in the survey rate “verification that advertising achieved the desired result” as the attribute most likely to lead to increased spend on multi-screen campaigns.
There is a pile of intriguing information in the report not listed in the highlights.
Branded entertainment is considered best suited for digital OOH formats (“Broken out by industry stakeholder, branded entertainment is seen as best-suited for digital place-based media consistently across client-side marketers, agencies, and media sellers. Client-side marketers, in particular, view branded entertainment as best-suited for digital place-based media.”)
Agencies and media sellers think regular TV spots are OK for multi-screen
“Verification That Advertising Achieved Desired Effect” is really important. (“All three constituencies in the survey rate “verification that advertising achieved the desired result” as the attribute most likely to lead to increased spend on multi-screen campaigns. For client-side marketers, interest is highest in: Verification advertising achieved desired result (66 percent); Consistent metrics across screens (57 percent); and Ability to use the same metrics online and offline (57 percent)” )
If you are in the advertising side of this space, this is a very valuable download. And the good news, it’s a free download. (see near bottom)
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